Technology development and implementation of the production of carrier-conductive equipment for the 25 kV AC overhead traction network dedicated to applications in high-speed railway communication systems

In February 2022, Kuca Sp. z o. o. together with the AGH University of Science and Technology Stanisław Staszic in Krakow started implementing a project under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, entitled: “Development of technology and implementation of the production of carrier-conductive equipment for the 25 kV AC overhead contact line dedicated to applications in large railway communication systems. driving speed”

The project concerns the development of a new generation of load-bearing, conductive and load-bearing-conductive equipment for the overhead catenary powered by 25 kV AC, optimized in terms of the needs and requirements of the currently emerging Polish high-speed rail systems.

It includes R&D works aimed at developing original material for load-bearing and conductive equipment, developing technical and construction solutions for a complete range of connecting equipment for the upper traction network, developing technology for the production of such equipment, as well as comprehensive laboratory tests of the technical and operational parameters of newly developed equipment solutions.

Total cost of the project: PLN 4,301,050.00